Click on the Award Name to see the list of winners for that award:
- Ann Tillson Memorial - Award Retired - The woman deemed to have made the most contributions to the Club activities for the year
- Commodore's Trophy Big Boats - The most active big boat skipper in recognition of the spirit of competition and outstanding participation
- Commodore's Trophy Small Boats - The most active small boat skipper in recognition of the spirit of competition and outstanding participation
- Outstanding Boat - The person deemed to have demonstrated the most sailing improvement during the year
- Dubious Distinction "The Hat Rack Award" - The person who is deemed to have done the most to save the other members of the Club from having their own nautical blunders recognized. Click here to see the inscription for this year's award. Click here to read inscriptions from several years back!
- Ed Isgur Special Merit - The person(s) deemed to have done the most for the Club during the year
- Flying Scot Fleet 76 Championship - Highest standing within the Flying Scot fleet
- Sunfish Fleet 668 Championship - Highest Standing within the Sunfish Fleet
- Elsie Moorhouse Memorial - The crew member who is deemed to have participated the most in all aspects of the Club’s activities
- Ingall Memorial - The person(s) deemed to have exhibited the most all around participation in all Club activitie
- Sportsmanship Award - The person(s) deemed to have denostrated the most sportsmanship at the club this year
- Flying Scot Regatta Trophy - The person(s) winning the Flying Scot Division at our annual regatta
- Day Sailer Regatta Trophy - The person(s) winning the Day Sailer Division at our annual regatta
- Junior Regatta Trophy - The person(s) winning the annual Junior Regatta
- Appreciation Awards - These members were recognized for special contributions to the Club this year. Each was awarded a certificate of appreciation for their contributions to the self-help spirit of the Club.