Commodore Chris Stow
April 6, 2022
Spring is finally here – and MYC will soon be open for the 2022 season. Though the club has been dormant for the winter, your Board of Directors has been busy and we're excited by the events we have planned for the sailing season, especially now that the restrictions related to the pandemic are mostly being lifted. Some highlights are the Small Boat Regatta on May 28th, the Flying Scot Invitational on June 4-5th, and the Annual Regatta on September 10-11th. Another calendar note for this year is the expansion of our July 4th activities to include the Women's and Big Boat Singlehanded events that are usually held later in the season.
Before all that, we've got our spring work party this weekend, April 9-10th. I hope to see you there to help get the club ready for another season.
One thing I'd like to point out to our new members and sailors who are not usually involved in racing - our Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon races are in a pursuit format, which means that all boats and abilities are welcome. Each class of boats starts at their own start time, adjusted to account for speed. So, even if you are the only Hobie cat or Catalina on the lake, you will have a fun and competitive race. Please come out and join us.
See you on the water!