Life Magazine once said that the sole purpose of the Sunfish is to make people happy. If that's true then there are a lot of happy people here, because the Massapoag Yacht Club is home to Sunfish Fleet 668. We have over 20 Sunfish owners, and we have multi class pursuit races that takes place on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday evenings in April through October.
A few members of our fleet compete in the New England Sunfish Racing Championship, and we have one member who competes at National and World Sunfish events. In fact, our Annual Regatta in September is one of the 9 stops for the New England Sunfish Championship Circuit, which attracts some of the best Sunfish sailors in the world.
Visit the Sunfish website at https://www.sunfishclass.org/ to find lots of information on the Sunfish class and events. You can reach fleet captain John Houstle by email at [email protected] with any questions.