Three teams from Massapoag's Fleet 76 travelled to Deep Creek Lake in Stanton Maryland for the 2013 Flying Scot Wife-Husband Championships - Roger and kate Sharp, John and Connie Eckart, and Greg and Diane Kampf.
This venue is the home of our builder, Harry Carpenter, and is located in western Maryland, nestled among the mountains and offers a variety of wind day to day, even hour to hour. The social events were fun and relaxing and it was great catching up with old friends and meeting new friends.
With 42 boats, 28 in Championship and 14 in Challenger, there was lots of competition from 11 different states - Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, New York and New Jersey. Day 1 brought us constantly shifting southwest winds and boats had all they could do to pick the right side or pcik the shifts. Day 2 there was just enough wind at the pin end to start the race and some boats got lucky and got a great start with the rest being left behind to try and catch up.
All in all it was a great regatta with the Sharps in 4th, the Eckarts in 11th and the Kampfs in 14th place in the Championship Division. You can see full results on the FSSA website here.