About Massapoag Yacht club

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Event date: 6/12/2021 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Export event
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/ Categories: Events, Regetta

MYC 13th Annual Small Boat Regatta - Sunfish, Lasers, RS Aeros

What: MYC 13th Annual Small Boat Regatta - Sunfish, Lasers, RS Aeros

Visit the event website at Regatta Network to view NOR, SIs (when available) and you can register at: https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/21329

If you are just coming for dinner, choose the online storefront to purchase dinners.

When: Saturday, June 12, 2021
Time: 8:00 AM -   5:00 PM (check-in starts at 8:00AM)

Location: Massapoag Yacht Club, 58 Lakeview St, Sharon, MA 

See you there!



Contact Information

Massapoag Yacht Club58 Lakeview Street P.O.Box 18
Sharon, MA 02067

Lat: 42° 5' 52" N     Lon: 71° 10' 50" W

Email:  [email protected]