Thanks so much to all who were able to make it yesterday for the club cleanup. The club looks GREAT! Now we just need to keep it that way. Read more about it in the Commodore's Corner here:
There is still a little work left to do and we need your help:
(1) The clubhouse deck, ramp and bathroom ramp need to be sealed. We would like to have a few people come on Sunday 8/1/2021 at 9AM to help with this project. Please let us know if you can help
(2) All boats and/or trailers/dollies, including kayaks and canoes, need to be labelled with your last name. The big boats now have a name on each trailer and we need the same for small boats. I used white duct tape with a Sharpie so these can be removed pretty easily if needed. Please, please, please get your small boats or trailer/dollies labelled. There re a few trailers in the trailer storage area that don;t have names. Please get those labelled as well. It is important for us to be able to identify whose property is whose.
Please get your property labelled by 7/31/2021. Any property not lebelled by then is subject to removal.
Thank so much!