Water Testing 9:00
Categories: Events, Meeting/Work Party
August Bueinss Meeting 6PM after the club supper - at the club and on Zoom
Racing is at 7:00 PM, 6:30 in August - Those with Race duty should arrive by 6:15, 5:45 in August, to set up for racing.Racing is at 7:00 PM, 6:30 in August - Those with Race duty should arrive by 6:15, 5:45 in August, to set up for racing.
Categories: Events, Wednesday Night Racing
Thursdat night raing 6:30 PM, 6:00 in August all small boats are welcome, race support should arrive by 5:45 PM, 5:15 in August, to set up for racing
Categories: Events, Small Boat Racing
Moonlight sail ~ 7:30 PM. If you;e never sailed at moonlight, this event is not to be missed, If you have, then you lnow what we mean, There wil be rfreshments nd sojme fun on the water.
Categories: Events, MYC Social Event
58 Lakeview Street P.O.Box 18 Sharon, MA 02067
PHONE: 781-784-5828
Lat: 42° 5' 52" N Lon: 71° 10' 50" W
Email: [email protected]