Lots of kids came out for Junior Sailing today, Only 3 boats finished the race, the rest ran out of wind. Not much wind but loads of fun!
photo courtesy of Chris Sloan
Categories: Annoucements
Pursuit racing 1:30 all boats may participate
Crew should get there at 12:45 to set up
Categories: Events, Summer Racing
The team member assigned for today's water testing will take the samples and store in the refrigerator.
Categories: Events, Meeting/Work Party
Learn to Sail 6PM - Session 2 Class 3
Categories: Events, Class
Learn to Sail 6PM - Session 2 Class 4
58 Lakeview Street P.O.Box 18 Sharon, MA 02067
PHONE: 781-784-5828
Lat: 42° 5' 52" N Lon: 71° 10' 50" W
Email: [email protected]