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MYC 2024 Women Skippers and Big Boat Single Handed Regattas

Diane Kampf 0 515


We held the Women Skippers  and the Big Boat Single Handed Regattas on 8/24/2024, with 4 teams sailing the Women Skippers event and 9 skippers sailing in the Single Handed races.

PRO Sterling Worrell and team got in 2 races in light air for the Women Skippers. Diane Kampf won both races after starting 3 minutes behind the other racers. Sterling awarded 1st Place to Diane.

PRO Greg Kampf and team got in 2 light air races for the Single Handed skippers.Sterling Worrell won the 1st race. There were some exciting moments in race 2. Six boats approached the leeward mark at the same time. Jay McNeff won that mark rounding and the 2nd race. First overall was Sterling.

Full results are under racing on this site here. Photos of the Women Skippers taken by Ross Templeton and  Diane Kampf are here. Photos of the Single Handed Regatta taken by Diane Kampf are here.

MYC Members Save Our Tires!

Diane Kampf 0 584

Wallace Lueders pounded down a rebar spike that was sticking up through one of cement blocks on the side of the ramp. Dave Rousseau is supervising. They have saved a directionally challenged trailer backer from rolling over the spike, getting a flat tire AND being awarded a "handsome piece of Questionably useful furniture" at the MYC banquet. - submitted by Harvey Davidson.

2024 MYC 75th Annual Regatta - FS NERD - DS Regional

Diane Kampf 0 634

We held the 2024 75th Anniversary Regatta for Big Boats, which was also the Flying Scot NERD and the Day Sailer Regional Regatta. Of course no event can heappen without all the prework, and we thank Margy and Harvey Davidson for helping get the club ready and Margy for guiding the folks with meal duty. We had a welcome party on Friday night, hossted by Phyllis and Curt Braverman, Breakfast on Saturday was hosted by Jay McNeff, with help from Mike Denekamo. Jay also hosted lunch with help from Roberta Engel. After racing was our cocktail party, hosted by Donna and Dave Rousseau. Then Roche Brothers delivered our lobster/chicken/Steak/pasta primavera dinner and lots of great sides, hosted by Diane Kampf, Susan Peck and Jeff Sprung. Our famous ice cream sundae bar did not disappoint! Sunday breakfast was hosted by Thomas Shea and Bar Liverant, and lucnh was hosted by Greg Eisenhauer. No one went away hungry, that;s for sure! 

PRO Kevin Buruchian and his Race Committee did a great job managing races in difficult conditions, sonetimes light and disappearing wind. But they managed to get us 5 races on Saturday. We went back out on Sunday and tried to get in a race or two. The Flying Scots were all TLE, so we didn;t get a race, but the Day Sailers managed to get through 1 race without being TLE. Thanks to our on the water crew - Kevin Buruchian, Brian Geoghagen, Aaron MacQueen, Jeff Sprung, Chris Sloan, Skip Russell, Dennis Dubuc and Jay McNeff.

It takes a village to host one of these events, and as you can see, we have a village. Hope eveyone had a great time.

Results are here

Photos by Art Petrosemolo are here

Photos by Skip Russell, Chris Sloan and me are here



MYC Junior Regatta 8/11/2024

Diane Kampf 0 758

The 2024 MYC Junior Regatta took place today with 5 boats sailing. There was good wind and they all had a great time. After 3 races, Nick beat Ryan in a tiebreaker, with Liam 3rd, Rishi 4th and Beatrice 5th. Trophies were awarded 1-5 place and Nick took home the coveted MYC Junior Regatta trophy for the next year. Thanks to the Race Committee and on shore crew. This is the end of the  Juniors’ season - until next year! Thanks to the Sharon Community Center for all their help and cooperation.

Lots of Upcoming Events!

Diane Kampf 0 541

We are so excited about the next several weeks at Massapoag Yacht Club. Here are the list of activities that you can participate in. If you are not aleady signed up to help with any of these events, feel free to let us know and we can get you assigned.

We still have lots of racing left for the season: Sunday races continue until October, Wednesday nights until 8/14 at 6:30, Thursday nights until 8/22 at 6:00.

8/4 5PM August Supper - Come and enjoy the best deal in town for supper and enjoy the company of the other club members. $10 for 15 and older, $7 for 10-14, under 10 free.

8/11 9AM Junior Regatta - Anyone still in high school this year or younger are invited to sail in this event. Come compete for the coveted MYC Junior Trophy and enjoy a cookout after sailing.

8/17-8/18 with a welcome party on 8/16 - MYC 75th Annual Regatta featuring the FS NERD and Day Sailer Regionals - All Flying Scot sailors and Day Sailers are invited to join ion the fun, Register here to help us with planning, thank you!

8/24 9AM - Women Skippers Regatta - All you women skippers, come on down and compete against your fellow women. Any boat, any crew, just be at the helm and show them how we do it! Let us know if you think you will participate so we can plan - thanks!

8/24 1PM - Single Handed Big Boat Regatta - Once a year our big boats go out without their crew and learn just how valuable their crew memebrs are. Let's do it again this year. Let us know if you think you will participate so we can plan - thanks!

MOVED FROM 8/10 to 8/24 7PM Sailing Trivia Night - Come find out just how much you know about sailing and have loads of fun playing against the other members. THere will be refreshments served and some prizes for winners. Watch for a notice to come out soon.

9/6 - 9/7 with a welcome party on 9/5 - MYC 75th Annual Regatta featuring the Small Boat Regatta for Sunfish, Lasers and RS Aeros. This ia always a great event so come on to the club and get on your boat and race. Registere here to help us with planning.

Hope to see you at lots of these events

Thanks for all you do to support MYC!


Contact Information

Massapoag Yacht Club58 Lakeview Street P.O.Box 18
Sharon, MA 02067

Lat: 42° 5' 52" N     Lon: 71° 10' 50" W

Email:  [email protected]