When the going gets tough, the tough go sailing!
Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen many of you either enjoying a swim, kayaking, paddle boarding or, out on the water sailing. You are making the best out of our current situation. It’s very inspirational! Going forward things will continue to improve as long as we follow the current guidelines from the Governor and CDC.
Massachusetts is still in phase 2 of reopening, meaning we have to continue social distancing, wear facemasks on club grounds as well as on the docks and frequent hand washing if you touch surfaces at the club Racing can continue with our enhanced rules and I encourage you to join in. The Juniors are racing on Sunday and it’s great to watch! And we are able to hold our sailing classes using the Sunfish our Commodore fixed up for the club. It’s so good to see that we can enjoy the club despite COVID-19 restrictions!
Last night the board discussed allowing groups of no more than 10 people to reserve the club for gatherings. We have decided to continue this policy of gatherings of no more than 10 at this time. This was a tough decision. It’s important to limit exposure to members who might be there sailing or enjoying the beach. Keeping our club members safe is our first and highest priority. Unfortunately, this means we need to cancel our July club dinner. We are awaiting the rules for phase 3 to see if an August dinner will be allowed and we will discuss if it is feasible for us to hold the dinner.
Thank you all for your continued cooperation!
Stay safe and sail fast,