About Massapoag Yacht club

Lastest News

Pancake Brunch is rescheduled (again) for 7/23/2023

Diane Kampf (admin) 0 1245

We are looking at the terrible forecast and have rescheduled the pancake brunch for Sunday, July 23, 2023 at 10:00 AM. Come and join us for a great meal prepared by our own Dennis Dubuc and Chris Hughes. $10 for 18 and older, $4 for kids 10-17 and free for kids under 10. Hope to see you there!

July 4 Weekend Festivites

Diane Kampf (admin) 0 1042

Well, Mother Nature did not ccoperate this weekend - the Moonlight Sail would have been without the moon, but it was cancelled.

We had a lovely cookout before the fireworkds on July 3 - thanks Rod Kampf, Barry Kasindorf and Genna Robbins for the sides and desserts. The Sharon Firewords were a little early this year, trying to avoid the upcoming thundersgorms. It was lovely seeing them at dusk! We got pretty lucky - the rain started just as we were leaving the club.

Unfortunately, inclement weather forced us to cancel the pancake brunch and boat decorating on July 4th.  Hopefully we can reschedule.

MYC Junior Racing Starts Soon

Diane Kampf (admin) 0 1095

Junior Racing starts on Sunday July 9, 2023,  Kids can use their own bosts, club boats, or the Town of Sharon boats. There will be  Junior REgatta on August 13 at no cost to the participants. There will be a cookout and awards following racing that day. We hope to see lots of kids out there sailing!.

MYC Member Remembered

Diane Kampf (admin) 0 1087

We have sad news to share with the MYC Community. Our dear member, Dave Levy, has passed away after a courageous and hard fought battle with an illness. He was an active member of our club for many years, becoming a life member in 2016. You can view his obituary at


You may recall seeing Dave's Day Sailer with the brown and orange stripes out for a sail or a race for so many years. Lately, he had been sailing a Sunfish with friends at the lake. He was always there to lend a hand when we needed help and when the club had work to do. He was a friend to so many of us.

Dave's funeral will be held on Thursday 6/1/2023 at 11:00 AM at Temple Sinai in Sharon. The burial was originally planned as private but has been changed to include attendees.

Rest easy, Dave. Your friends at the club will miss you so much.

MYC Outreach and New Memebrs Welcome

Diane Kampf (admin) 0 1105

Laura and Skip Russell hosted a wonderful open house at the Club on Saturday, May 13. Several new 2023 memebrs attended along with some prospective members and some current members. Food, friends, old and new, great conversation, good weather - what more could we ask for?


Contact Information

Massapoag Yacht Club58 Lakeview Street P.O.Box 18
Sharon, MA 02067

Lat: 42° 5' 52" N     Lon: 71° 10' 50" W

Email:  [email protected]