The Regatta Annual Regatta was held on 9/12-9/13/2020 with 21 Sunfish on Saturday and 30 Lasers, RS Aeros and International Canoes on Sunday..While Covid-19 did cause us to make some changes to keep the crowd sizes under the 50-person limit required by Massachusetts rules, we still managed to put on a great event. And the reason for that is our awesome members and our awesome guests. Saturday brought us 6-10 MPH winds from the SSE and Sunday brought us about the same but from the SE. PRO Jacon Mayer did a super job of getting races in and all the fleets enjoyed 8 races each day! We were able to provide box lunches at the end of the day and have a socially distanced award ceremony each day as well.
Full results are here
Photos are being uploaded here
Thanks to all who came and helped and thanks to all our guests for coming. It was a great weekend!