About Massapoag Yacht club

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2021 Membership Packet is Available

Diane Kampf (admin) 0 2240


The 2021 MYC Membership Packet is ready for your review. You need to log into the Website and look under Members/Membership Packet

The duty roster, dinner duty roster and at-a-glance calendars are available under Events.  If you want to get the original excel files of these calendars, you need to log into the website and look under Members/Membership Packet

You can get a copy of each of the files in the packet  i by clicking on each individual link. You can get a copy of the full packet by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page to download a PDF version of the packet.

You can get a Full Membership List in Excel by clicking on the link at he bottom of the page.

If you have any questions, email Diane Kampf 


Your Board of Directors for 2021

Diane Kampf (admin) 0 2378

Meet the new Commodore, same as the old Commodore!  AFter a crazy 2020, most of the Board has agreed to come back and manage the club for another year!  Jeff did a great job of guiding us through all the Covid-19 restirctions and he'll do a greatg job as some of those restgirctions begin to be lifted.  Let's look forward to a great 2021 season.  Look here to see your 2021 Board of Directors.

2020 Commodore's Banquet - via Zoom!

Diane Kampf (admin) 0 2641

On Sturday, 11/7/2020, we honored our awesome Commodore Jeff Jeffrey Sprung, who led us through this challenging Covid-19 year and made it possible for us to enjoy the club. We started with a great video by Anne Willetts Pennington https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaNOh6y-MxI&feature=youtu.be, which was followed by a super presentation by guest speaker Paralympic Gold Medalist Maureen McKinnon. We gave out appreciation awards to the committee chairs and the board, awarded perpetual awards and sailing trophies. And we had 4 fun raffle baskets won by some very lucky people. Watch Sailmyc.org for the updates on who won this year - under About/Awards and under Racing /Race Results. Thanks to Ann Marie Rosa and her committee for a fun night on our Zoom virtual awards ceremony. Congratulations to all the winners!



MYC 71st Annual Regatta is a wrap!

Diane Kampf (admin) 0 2040

The Regatta Annual Regatta was held on 9/12-9/13/2020 with 21 Sunfish on Saturday and 30 Lasers, RS Aeros and International Canoes on Sunday..While Covid-19 did cause us to make some changes to keep the crowd sizes under the 50-person limit required by Massachusetts rules, we still managed to put on a great event. And the reason for that is our awesome members and our awesome guests. Saturday brought us 6-10 MPH winds from the SSE and Sunday brought us about the same but from the SE.  PRO Jacon Mayer did a super job of getting races in and all the fleets enjoyed 8 races each day! We were able to provide box lunches at the end of the day and have a socially distanced award ceremony each day as well. 

Full results are here 

Photos are being uploaded here 

Thanks to all who came and helped and thanks to all our guests for coming. It was a great weekend!


Contact Information

Massapoag Yacht Club58 Lakeview Street P.O.Box 18
Sharon, MA 02067

Lat: 42° 5' 52" N     Lon: 71° 10' 50" W

Email:  [email protected]