Welcome to Massapoag Yacht Club

Massapoag Yacht Club was founded on the shores of Lake Massapoag in 1946. MYC is an all-volunteer organization that has become a landmark for yacht racing in Massachusetts, as well as the Northeastern region of the US. Whether you are brand new to sailing or have extensive experience, MYC offers organized competition for all ages. We have hosted national sailing competitions as well as local and regional regattas. We hold races from May to October for all sailboat classes including juniors. For details see our Events Calendar.



2022 Boat Storage Charts are All Available Now

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Mooring and dreysailing charts are available under MEMBERS if you log into the website.  They will also be posted on thed bulletin board on the beach soon. Please get your boats moved to their proper seasonal  positions by May 15, 2022.  Thanks!

2022 Racing is Under Way!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The 2022 Racing Season is underway at MYC. Three Flying Scots, two Lasers, two RS Aeros and one dog raced on a chilly spring day at MYC. on 3/24 Shifty winds and everything else you expect on the lake. Thanks to Harvey Davidson and race committee for a fun day in the water!  Hope to see more and more of you racing this season.

Docks are in, moorings are in, cleanup progresses - still a little more to do!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Lots of progress was made at the work parties on 4/9 and 4/10/2022 thanks to those memebrs who were able to make one or both of those datges. The make-up date in on 4/16 and there's a bot more raking to be done - launch the rock markers, staining and painting, sealing the tables and the deck, and other jobs that the Rear Commodore has on his list. The club is really shaping up for the 2022 season!  Woohoo!


Upcoming Events




Board Meeting

Start Time: 7:30 PM

The MYC Board wil meet at 7:30 PM via Zoom.




NEW DATE: MYC Winter brunch

Start Time: 10:00 AM

This is the new date for the Winter Brunch - The MYC Winter Brunch is at Mick Morgan;s from 10:00-1:00.




St.Patrick's Day

Start Time: 12:00 AM




Board Yearly Walkthrough at MYC

Start Time: 9:00 AM

The MYC Board will conduct a walkthrough of the Club grounds to assess the area and determine what needs to be done in the upcoming work partis.




New and Prospective Members Meeting

Start Time: 7:30 PM

MYC will hold its new and prospective member meeting via Zoom.


Contact Information

Massapoag Yacht Club58 Lakeview Street P.O.Box 18
Sharon, MA 02067

PHONE: 781-784-5828

Lat: 42° 5' 52" N     Lon: 71° 10' 50" W

Email:  [email protected]