Welcome to Massapoag Yacht Club

Massapoag Yacht Club was founded on the shores of Lake Massapoag in 1946. MYC is an all-volunteer organization that has become a landmark for yacht racing in Massachusetts, as well as the Northeastern region of the US. Whether you are brand new to sailing or have extensive experience, MYC offers organized competition for all ages. We have hosted national sailing competitions as well as local and regional regattas. We hold races from May to October for all sailboat classes including juniors. For details see our Events Calendar.



The Club Look Great!

Sunday, July 25, 2021


Thanks so much to all who were able to make it yesterday for the club cleanup. The club looks GREAT!  Now we just need to keep it that way.  Read more about it in the Commodore's Corner here:


There is still a little work left to do and we need your help:

(1) The clubhouse deck, ramp and bathroom ramp need to be sealed. We would like to have a few people come on Sunday 8/1/2021 at 9AM to help with this project. Please let us know if you can help

(2) All boats and/or trailers/dollies, including kayaks and canoes, need to be labelled with your last name. The big boats now have a name on each trailer and we need the same for small boats. I used white duct tape with a Sharpie so these can be removed pretty easily if needed. Please, please, please get your small boats or trailer/dollies labelled.  There re a few trailers in the trailer storage area that don;t have names. Please get those labelled as well. It is important for us to be able to identify whose property is whose.

Please get your property labelled by 7/31/2021.  Any property not lebelled by then is subject to removal.

Thank so much!

Lake Massapoag is closed for recreational activity - updated 7/19

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Update 7/19 - ban remains in effect. Two water samples will be taken, on 7/20 and 7/27, so if the samples are negative, the earliest we will hear anything new is 7/28. Thank you for your continued cooperation.


A visible suspected cyanobacteria scum was just found and reported to the Massachusetts Environmental Toxicology program, which requires posting of no water activity signage and immediate closure of the lake. Please rinse off well at home as soon as possible.

The lake will remain closed until cleared by Mass DPH. Homeowners with lake access must also refrain from entering the water for any recreational activity.

Below are some resources to learn more about cyanobacterial blooms, including how they can be deadly for pets and livestock.

We will post updates as necessary. Thank you for your patience as we navigate this situation.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Board of Health at 781-784-1500 x1206 or [email protected].



MYC Supper 7/11/2021

Monday, July 12, 2021


Scenes from the 7/11 dinner at MYC - hosts Ralph and Kristin Lambalot and crew put on a fabulous feat. Thanks to Emily Szczypek for the photos! WScenes from the 7/11 dinner at MYC - hosts Ralph and Kristin Lambalot and crew put on a fabulous feat. Thanks to Emily Szczypek for the photos! Wish we could have been there.ish we could have been there.


July 4th at MYC

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


WIth about 50 hungry people to feed, the July 4th Larry Lawrence Breakfast cooks had plenty of work to do! It was great to see so many people enjoying the breakfast and the fun at the club on the USA's birthday! After they served everyone else, Genn Robbins, Barry Kasindorf, Janet Forrester and Dennis Dubuc had a chance to relax for a bot and enjoy their own meal!  Dan Abram and Judy Deveau had the best hats for the occasion (see above).

Eric and Lynn Hemmendinger then hosted the boats for the decorating and fun races - what a blast! Can;t wait for next year!

Photos courtesy of Emily Szczypek


Upcoming Events




Tentative - MYC Winter brunch

Start Time: 10:00 AM

This is a tentative date for brunch - The MYC Winter Brunch is at Mick Morgan;s from 10:00-1:00. 




MYC Calendar Planning Meeting

Start Time: 7:30 PM

The MYC Annual Calendar Planning Meeting will be at 7:30 via Zoom.




Board Meeting

Start Time: 7:30 PM

The MYC Board wil meet at 7:30 PM via Zoom.




St.Patrick's Day

Start Time: 12:00 AM




April Fool's Day

Start Time: 12:00 AM


Contact Information

Massapoag Yacht Club58 Lakeview Street P.O.Box 18
Sharon, MA 02067

PHONE: 781-784-5828

Lat: 42° 5' 52" N     Lon: 71° 10' 50" W

Email:  [email protected]